Current Record:
48 - 72
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 8 - 16
Record after Session 3: 15 - 21
Record after Session 4: 22 - 26
Record after Session 5: 27 - 33
Record after Session 6: 29 - 43
Record after Session 7: 33 - 51
Record after Session 8: 39 - 57
Record after Session 9: 42 - 66
Record after Session 10: 48 - 72
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Algar, Argosy, Banzai Run, Batman 66, Black Belt, CSI, Captain Fantastic, Catacomb, Cleopatra, Cosmos, Counterforce, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dragon, Escape from the Lost World, Family Guy, Fast Draw, Fire!, Game Show, Gondolier, Grand Lizard, Harlem Globetrotters, Hook, KISS, King of Diamonds, Laser War, Lord of the Rings, Metallica Pro, Meteor, Mousin Around, Mystic, Space Mission, Super Orbit, Super Straight, Supersonic, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Wheel of Fortune, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, World Poker Tour