Current Record: 51 - 69

Session 1, Group 1001045, on Set 48: "Wreathwort"

Andrew Rosa II4512 - 0
Anna Neal4564 - 8
Stephanie Guida5454 - 8
Lisa Arthur7954 - 8
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8

Session 2, Group 2003063, on Set 17: "Vouchment"

Braden Gentry6632 - 10
John Flitton68812 - 0
Lisa Arthur8136 - 6
Jeff Wilson8384 - 8
Record after Session 2: 10 - 14

Session 3, Group 3006020, on Set 26: "Zwitterion"

Shannon Moody6605 - 7
Lisa Arthur6856 - 6
Edward Osis7249 - 3
Brian Woodard7494 - 8
Record after Session 3: 16 - 20

Session 4, Group 4010004, on Set 8: "Yunnanese"

Chris Compton5805 - 7
Scott Wilson6057 - 5
Nick Yahnke6124 - 8
Lisa Arthur6378 - 4
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24

Session 5, Group 5016004, on Set 39: "Procyon"

Lisa Arthur4843 - 9
Brett Buzek49310 - 2
Nick Stanton5007 - 5
Sheldon Fuchs5094 - 8
Record after Session 5: 27 - 33

-- Assigned to Division D --

Session 6D, Group 6001018, on Set 45: "Youthlikeness"

Darcy French184 - 8
Sean Spindler4711 - 1
Matthew Carlson826 - 6
Lisa Arthur1113 - 9
Record after Session 6: 30 - 42

Session 7D, Group 7004011, on Set 23: "Centaurus"

Seth Clayter1558 - 4
Michael J Szilagyi15810 - 2
Lisa Arthur1792 - 10
Morgan Zilm1824 - 8
Record after Session 7: 32 - 52

Session 8D, Group 8013001, on Set 12: "Wrothiness"

Heather Ohmes1938 - 4
Diane Smith1965 - 7
Lisa Arthur1975 - 7
Kevin Vitale2006 - 6
Record after Session 8: 37 - 59

Session 9D, Group 9025002, on Set 57: "Zygosphene"

Diane Smith1942 - 10
Lisa Arthur1956 - 6
Mike Corica1989 - 3
Kevin Vitale1997 - 5
Record after Session 9: 43 - 65

Session 10D, Group 10033001, on Set 82: "Yorkshire"

Andy Urschel1895 - 7
Christopher Hayre1906 - 6
Lisa Arthur1918 - 4
Kevin Vitale1925 - 7
Record after Session 10: 51 - 69

Machines Played:

300, Austin Powers, Batman Dark Knight, Big Guns, Cheetah, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Cosmos, Deadpool, Dipsy Doodle, Fast Draw, Fire!, Flash, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Game of Thrones Premium, Goldeneye, Grand Lizard, Harlem Globetrotters, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hobbit, Hokus Pokus, Knockout, Little Chief, Lost World, Metallica Pro, Middle Earth, Miss-O, Nitro Groundshaker, Old Chicago, Pinbot, Road Kings, Royal Flush Deluxe, Satin Doll, Simpsons Pinball Party, Supersonic, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Tron Pro, Twilight Zone, Whitewater, Xenon