Current Record: 59 - 61
restricted to Division D or above

Session 1, Group 1001223, on Set 82: "Yorkshire"

Marcelo Campos Hazan2235 - 7
Scott Wilson2787 - 5
Joana Lopes7238 - 4
Dagmar Kenney9734 - 8
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5

Session 2, Group 2002073, on Set 54: "Hydra"

Fil Baird3734 - 8
Scott Wilson3782 - 10
Tim Peterson5239 - 3
Tim Breidenstein5289 - 3
Record after Session 2: 9 - 15

Session 3, Group 3007027, on Set 73: "Vela"

James Boyce7952 - 10
Scott Wilson8068 - 4
Kevin Duffy8597 - 5
Jon Stewart8707 - 5
Record after Session 3: 17 - 19

Session 4, Group 4010004, on Set 8: "Yunnanese"

Chris Compton5805 - 7
Scott Wilson6057 - 5
Nick Yahnke6124 - 8
Lisa Arthur6378 - 4
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24

Session 5, Group 5015005, on Set 55: "Zuccarino"

Matthew Sommerfeld4534 - 8
John Miller4606 - 6
Scott Wilson4698 - 4
David Newman4766 - 6
Record after Session 5: 32 - 28

-- Assigned to Division B --

Session 6B, Group 6002018, on Set 52: "Triangulum"

Michael James Pultz1465 - 7
Scott Wilson1474 - 8
Preston Moncla1828 - 4
Justin Bath1837 - 5
Record after Session 6: 36 - 36

Session 7B, Group 7004004, on Set 87: "STAGE 3"

Sean Lind1489 - 3
Aaron Lockee1652 - 10
Scott Wilson1726 - 6
Ryan O'Donnell1897 - 5
Record after Session 7: 42 - 42

Session 8B, Group 8010003, on Set 86: "STAGE 2"

Scott Wilson1475 - 7
Phil Harmon1507 - 5
Stephen Young1557 - 5
John Bowes1585 - 7
Record after Session 8: 47 - 49

Session 9B, Group 9021002, on Set 13: "Zymosimeter"

John Bowes1626 - 6
Scott Wilson1635 - 7
Steve Rolsing16610 - 2
Tyler Becker1673 - 9
Record after Session 9: 52 - 56

Session 10B, Group 10027001, on Set 81: "Tucana"

Anthony Wojtkowiak1656 - 6
Scott Wilson1667 - 5
Duncan McFarlane1675 - 7
David Markland1686 - 6
Record after Session 10: 59 - 61

Machines Played:

Addams Family, Aerosmith Pro, Algar, Batman Dark Knight, Big Guns, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Bounty Hunter, CSI, Card Whiz, Cirqus Voltaire, Counterforce, Dipsy Doodle, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Elektra, Embryon, Escape from the Lost World, Gorgar, Heavy Metal Meltdown, High Speed, Iron Man, Little Chief, Nitro Groundshaker, Paragon, Pinbot, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Quicksilver, Radical, Scuba, Simpsons Pinball Party, Spirit of 76, Star Pool, Star Pool, Super Straight, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Shadow, Volcano, Wizard of Oz, World Poker Tour