Current Record:
58 - 62
restricted to Division C or above
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 19 - 17
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24
Record after Session 5: 31 - 29
Record after Session 6: 35 - 37
Record after Session 7: 39 - 45
Record after Session 8: 48 - 48
Record after Session 9: 51 - 57
Record after Session 10: 58 - 62
Machines Played:
Argosy, Austin Powers, Banzai Run, Black Knight, Bounty Hunter, CSI, CSI, Cleopatra, Cosmos, Doodle Bug, Dracula, Dragon, Earthshaker, F-14 Tomcat, Faces, Fire!, Flash, Flash Gordon, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Game Show, Goldeneye, Goldeneye, Hokus Pokus, Independence Day, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Lord of the Rings, Mystic, Paragon, Road Kings, Satin Doll, Seawitch, Spirit of 76, Supersonic, Surf Champ, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Taxi, Taxi, Transformers Premium, Xenon