Current Record:
68 - 52
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 5 - 7
Record after Session 2: 10 - 14
Record after Session 3: 21 - 15
Record after Session 4: 28 - 20
Record after Session 5: 34 - 26
Record after Session 6: 41 - 31
Record after Session 7: 48 - 36
Record after Session 8: 56 - 40
Record after Session 9: 61 - 47
Record after Session 10: 68 - 52
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Banzai Run, Batman Dark Knight, Blackwater 100, Centigrade 37, Class of 1812, Cosmos, Count-Down, Counterforce, Doodle Bug, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Eight Ball Deluxe, El Toro, Family Guy, Fire!, Flash Gordon, Goldeneye, Guardians of the Galaxy Pro, Hobbit, Hot Line, Indianapolis 500, Johnny Mnemonic, Mata Hari, Meteor, Meteor, Middle Earth, Old Chicago, Shaq Attack, Slick Chick, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, Supersonic, Surf N Safari, Surfer, Surfer, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Taxi, Warlok, Whitewater