Current Record:
63 - 57
Record after Session 1: 3 - 9
Record after Session 2: 10 - 14
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 26 - 22
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27
Record after Session 6: 42 - 30
Record after Session 7: 48 - 36
Record after Session 8: 50 - 46
Record after Session 9: 58 - 50
Record after Session 10: 63 - 57
Machines Played:
24, AC/DC Premium, Batman 66, Big Game, Big Hurt, Blue Chip, Bounty Hunter, Buck Rogers, CSI, Catacomb, City Slicker, Cleopatra, Dragon, El Toro, Game Show, Gondolier, Gorgar, High Speed, Hook, Hot Line, Laser War, Little Chief, Lord of the Rings, Meteor, Meteor, Nitro Groundshaker, Paragon, Party Zone, Pinbot, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Simpsons Pinball Party, Space Station, Spirit of 76, Star Wars Pro, Terminator 2, The Amazing Spider-Man, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Wizard, Zig Zag