Current Record:
56 - 64
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 13 - 11
Record after Session 3: 21 - 15
Record after Session 4: 28 - 20
Record after Session 5: 35 - 25
Record after Session 6: 43 - 29
Record after Session 7: 47 - 37
Record after Session 8: 50 - 46
Record after Session 9: 53 - 55
Record after Session 10: 56 - 64
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Barracora, Batman Dark Knight, Big Guns, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Coney Island, Cosmos, Counterforce, Dipsy Doodle, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dracula, Earthshaker, Embryon, Fire!, Fish Tales, Heavy Metal Meltdown, High Speed, Hot Line, Iron Man, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Junkyard, Lost World, Meteor, Pinball Lizard, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Poker Plus, Pro Football, Rolling Stones Pro, Scuba, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, Supersonic, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Target Pool, The Amazing Spider-Man, Time Machine, Volley, Walking Dead Pro