Current Record:
51 - 69
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 12 - 12
Record after Session 3: 17 - 19
Record after Session 4: 22 - 26
Record after Session 5: 28 - 32
Record after Session 6: 31 - 41
Record after Session 7: 34 - 50
Record after Session 8: 40 - 56
Record after Session 9: 46 - 62
Record after Session 10: 51 - 69
Machines Played:
Aerobatics, Aerosmith Pro, Barracora, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Breakshot, Catacomb, Coney Island, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Counterforce, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Eight Ball Deluxe, El Toro, Family Guy, Future Spa, Guardians of the Galaxy Pro, High Speed, Hook, Junkyard, King of Diamonds, Metallica LE, Meteor, Old Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Poker Plus, Pro Football, Shaq Attack, Stars, Surf N Safari, Surfer, Target Pool, The Amazing Spider-Man, Time Machine, Torpedo Alley, Tron Pro, Volley, Walking Dead Pro, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, World Cup Soccer