Current Record:
48 - 72
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 17 - 19
Record after Session 4: 25 - 23
Record after Session 5: 28 - 32
Record after Session 6: 32 - 40
Record after Session 7: 35 - 49
Record after Session 8: 38 - 58
Record after Session 9: 42 - 66
Record after Session 10: 48 - 72
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Alien Poker, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Aztec, Blackout, Bonanza, Congo, Counterforce, Doctor Who, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Family Guy, Freak Out, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Galaxy, Godzilla, Goldeneye, Hi Deal, Hokus Pokus, Hot Line, KISS, Legends of Wrestlemania, Lights Camera Action, Little Chief, Meteor, Monaco, Monopoly, Monster Bash, Mousin Around, Nitro Groundshaker, Pinbot, Simpsons Pinball Party, Sinbad, Space Mission, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, Tales from the Crypt, Vegas, Xenon