Current Record:
65 - 55
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5
Record after Session 2: 16 - 8
Record after Session 3: 22 - 14
Record after Session 4: 30 - 18
Record after Session 5: 36 - 24
Record after Session 6: 44 - 28
Record after Session 7: 54 - 30
Record after Session 8: 56 - 40
Record after Session 9: 60 - 48
Record after Session 10: 65 - 55
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Alien Poker, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Casanova, Congo, Congo, Counterforce, Deadpool, Demolition Man, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dracula, Earthshaker, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Firepower, Freak Out, Frontier, Genesis, Godzilla, Hi Deal, Hurricane, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Legends of Wrestlemania, Mini Zag, Monaco, Nip-It, No Fear, Rolling Stones Pro, Sinbad, Solar Fire, Sorcerer, Stingray, Strange Science, Swinger, TX-Sector, Tales from the Crypt, Time Fantasy, Transformers Pro, Yukon