Current Record:
66 - 54
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 16 - 8
Record after Session 3: 23 - 13
Record after Session 4: 30 - 18
Record after Session 5: 39 - 21
Record after Session 6: 46 - 26
Record after Session 7: 55 - 29
Record after Session 8: 56 - 40
Record after Session 9: 62 - 46
Record after Session 10: 66 - 54
Machines Played:
24, Aerosmith Pro, Ali, Cleopatra, Congo, Counterforce, Deadpool, Deadpool, Diner, Doodle Bug, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dragon, Eight Ball Champ, Flash Gordon, Flicker, Frontier, Game Show, Goldeneye, Gorgar, Knockout, Lethal Weapon 3, Lord of the Rings, Magic City, Medieval Madness, Mustang Pro, Party Zone, Power Play, Royal Flush Deluxe, Space Race, Star Trek Pro, Strange Science, Swinger, TX-Sector, Taxi, The Shadow, Time Fantasy, Twilight Zone, Wizard, Yukon