Current Record:
59 - 61
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8
Record after Session 2: 8 - 16
Record after Session 3: 16 - 20
Record after Session 4: 23 - 25
Record after Session 5: 29 - 31
Record after Session 6: 33 - 39
Record after Session 7: 38 - 46
Record after Session 8: 45 - 51
Record after Session 9: 49 - 59
Record after Session 10: 59 - 61
Machines Played:
2001, Attack From Mars, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Bounty Hunter, CSI, Cactus Jack's, Captain Fantastic, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Cyclopes, Dialed In, Dracula, Earthshaker, El Dorado, Elektra, Godzilla, Guns N Roses, High Hand, Hurricane, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Medieval Madness, Mini Zag, Monaco, Old Chicago, Paragon, Party Zone, Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern), Power Play, Radical, Rolling Stones Pro, Scorpion, Sinbad, Solar Fire, Space Race, Spirit of 76, Star Pool, Tales from the Crypt, The Shadow, Tron Pro