Current Record:
63 - 57
restricted to Division A
Record after Session 1: 9 - 3
Record after Session 2: 19 - 5
Record after Session 3: 23 - 13
Record after Session 4: 28 - 20
Record after Session 5: 32 - 28
Record after Session 6: 39 - 33
Record after Session 7: 45 - 39
Record after Session 8: 49 - 47
Record after Session 9: 55 - 53
Record after Session 10: 63 - 57
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Aquarius, Argosy, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Banzai Run, Batman Dark Knight, Blackwater 100, CSI, Centigrade 37, Counterforce, Deadpool, Doctor Who, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dracula, Earthshaker, Freak Out, High Speed, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, KISS LE, Knockout, Legends of Wrestlemania, Lost World, Motordome, Mystic, NBA (Stern), Riverboat Gambler, Royal Flush Deluxe, Solar Ride, Space Shuttle, Star Pool, Starship Troopers, Strato-Flite, The Shadow, Time Zone, Twilight Zone, Volcano, Warlok, Wizard of Oz