Current Record:
56 - 64
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 5 - 7
Record after Session 2: 12 - 12
Record after Session 3: 22 - 14
Record after Session 4: 29 - 19
Record after Session 5: 30 - 30
Record after Session 6: 34 - 38
Record after Session 7: 40 - 44
Record after Session 8: 43 - 53
Record after Session 9: 53 - 55
Record after Session 10: 56 - 64
Machines Played:
24, Aerobatics, Aerosmith, Alien Poker, Argosy, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Avengers LE, Batman Dark Knight, Big Buck Hunter, Big Guns, Big Indian, Black Knight, Casanova, Cyclopes, Earthshaker, Eight Ball, Elvis, Family Guy, Fire!, Frontier, Gorgar, Grand Lizard, Hang Glider, Hokus Pokus, Jumping Jack, Lady Luck, Last Action Hero, Medieval Madness, Mystic, No Fear, Party Zone, Phantom of the Opera, Pinball Lizard, Pinbot, Prospector, Shrek, Strange Science, Terminator 2, Viking, Zig Zag