Current Record:
60 - 60
Record after Session 1: 5 - 7
Record after Session 2: 12 - 12
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 27 - 21
Record after Session 5: 31 - 29
Record after Session 6: 35 - 37
Record after Session 7: 39 - 45
Record after Session 8: 48 - 48
Record after Session 9: 56 - 52
Record after Session 10: 60 - 60
Machines Played:
24, Aerobatics, Aerosmith, Argosy, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Attilla the Hun, Avengers LE, Big Indian, Black Belt, Blue Chip, Cyclopes, Dialed In, Diner, Dipsy Doodle, Earthshaker, Eight Ball, Fast Draw, Firepower, Flash, Godzilla, Gorgar, Guardians of the Galaxy, Harlem Globetrotters, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hi Lo Ace, Hokus Pokus, Little Chief, Medieval Madness, Metallica, Miss-O, Phantom of the Opera, Pinbot, Police Force, Rolling Stones, Skateball, Strange Science, Whirlwind, Whitewater, X-Men, Xenon