Current Record:
67 - 53
restricted to Division C or above
Record after Session 1: 9 - 3
Record after Session 2: 16 - 8
Record after Session 3: 24 - 12
Record after Session 4: 29 - 19
Record after Session 5: 36 - 24
Record after Session 6: 41 - 31
Record after Session 7: 47 - 37
Record after Session 8: 53 - 43
Record after Session 9: 59 - 49
Record after Session 10: 67 - 53
Machines Played:
Argosy, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Attilla the Hun, Avengers LE, Banzai Run, Barracora, Black Pyramid, CSI, Cactus Jack's, Class of 1812, Cosmos, Cyclopes, Demolition Man, Earthshaker, Fast Draw, Fireball, Galaxy, Hokus Pokus, Junkyard, King Kool, Knockout, Lord of the Rings, Mars Trek, Medieval Madness, Medusa, Metallica, Motor Show, Power Play, Raven, Rollergames, Safari, Stingray, Strange Science, Supersonic, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Taxi, Terminator 3, Walking Dead, Whitewater, Yukon