Current Record:
33 - 27 (in Division E, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 15 - 21
Record after Session 4: 18 - 30
Record after Session 5: 22 - 38
Record after Session 6: 29 - 43
Record after Session 7: 33 - 51
Record after Session 8: 39 - 57
Record after Session 9: 45 - 63
Record after Session 10: 55 - 65
Machines Played:
Ali, Aquarius, Aztec, Batman Dark Knight, Blackout, Cactus Canyon, Catacomb, Cleopatra, Diner, Dipsy Doodle, Dragon, Firepower, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Game Show, Genesis, Goldeneye, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hokus Pokus, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Joker Poker, Jungle Lord, King of Diamonds, Lady Luck, Lethal Weapon 3, Lord of the Rings, Lost World, Magic City, Mars Trek, Monster Bash, Mustang Pro, Nip-It, Police Force, Riverboat Gambler, Space Shuttle, Starship Troopers, Transformers Pro, Vegas, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Xenon