Current Record:
26 - 34 (in Division E, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Record after Session 1: 3 - 9
Record after Session 2: 8 - 16
Record after Session 3: 11 - 25
Record after Session 4: 18 - 30
Record after Session 5: 25 - 35
Record after Session 6: 27 - 45
Record after Session 7: 36 - 48
Record after Session 8: 41 - 55
Record after Session 9: 45 - 63
Record after Session 10: 51 - 69
Machines Played:
300, Alien Poker, Aquarius, Avatar Pro, Barracora, Big Guns, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Cactus Canyon, Congo, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Embryon, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Goldeneye, Hi Deal, Hobbit, Hokus Pokus, Iron Man, Jungle Lord, Junkyard, Lady Luck, Metallica LE, Middle Earth, Old Chicago, Police Force, Ready Aim Fire, Riverboat Gambler, Scuba, Space Odyssey, Space Shuttle, Stars, Starship Troopers, TX Sector, Target Pool, Torpedo Alley, Tron Pro, Volley, Whitewater, Xenon