Current Record:
53 - 67
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 14 - 10
Record after Session 3: 17 - 19
Record after Session 4: 23 - 25
Record after Session 5: 26 - 34
Record after Session 6: 30 - 42
Record after Session 7: 36 - 48
Record after Session 8: 42 - 54
Record after Session 9: 48 - 60
Record after Session 10: 53 - 67
Machines Played:
2001, AC/DC Premium, Attila the Hun, Batman 66, Big Buck Hunter, Big Game, Big Guns, Blue Chip, Cactus Jack's, Cleopatra, Cyclopes, Deadpool, Dialed In, Diner, Dragon, Eight Ball Champ, El Dorado, Embryon, Flicker, Game Show, Gondolier, High Hand, Hot Tip, Iron Man, Laser War, Little Chief, Lord of the Rings, Meteor, Nitro Groundshaker, Party Zone, Phantom of the Opera, Pinbot, Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern), Scuba, Simpsons Pinball Party, Star Trek Pro, Strange Science, Swinger, Terminator 2, Time Fantasy