Current Record:
61 - 59
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 22 - 26
Record after Session 5: 28 - 32
Record after Session 6: 31 - 41
Record after Session 7: 41 - 43
Record after Session 8: 47 - 49
Record after Session 9: 55 - 53
Record after Session 10: 61 - 59
Machines Played:
Addams Family, Aerosmith Pro, Attila the Hun, Big Buck Hunter, Big Indian, Card Whiz, Centaur, Cirqus Voltaire, Counterforce, Deadpool, Deadpool, Demolition Man, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Freefall, Funhouse, Hot Line, Hot Tip, Iron Maiden Pro, Jokerz!, Jumping Jack, Jurassic Park, Knockout, Magic, Meteor, Munsters Pro, Paradise, Phantom of the Opera, Pinball Champ, Prospector, Quicksilver, Royal Flush Deluxe, Shrek, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, Strange Science, Swinger, Theatre of Magic, Time Fantasy, Twilight Zone