Cumulative Record:
30 - 30 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
2001, Austin Powers, Blackwater 100, Cirqus Voltaire, Count-Down, Dragon, Eight Ball Champ, Freak Out, Galaxy, Game Show, Game of Thrones, Hang Glider, Indianapolis 500, Iron Man, Lost In Space, Medusa, Nip-It, Pat Hand, Pinball Champ, Pinbot, Prospector, Raven, RoGo, Rollergames, Rolling Stones, Royal Flush Deluxe, Safari, Simpsons Pinball Party, Sopranos, Stargate, Surf Champ, Surfing Safari, Taxi, Time Fantasy, Time Machine, Torpedo Alley, Viking, Wild Fyre, Wizard of Oz, Xenon