Cumulative Record:
43 - 17 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
300, Airborne, Alien Poker, Breakshot, CSI, Captain Fantastic, Card Whiz, Diner, Embryon, Evel Knievel, Evel Knievel, Hoops, Hurricane, Iron Man, Medusa, Metallica, Mystic, NBA (Stern), Night Rider, No Fear, Pat Hand, Pinbot, Police Force, Prospector, Ready Aim Fire, Road Kings, RoboCop, Rolling Stones, Slick Chick, Soccer, Sopranos, Spot Pool, Star Wars, Stargate, Strike and Spares, Super Orbit, Surfing Safari, Tales from the Crypt, Target Pool, Xenon