Click here for ranking of affiliations with 5 or more active players.

9SBR - 904 Silver Ball Rollers

1Lauren Emmel65 - 55
2Joe Geneau63 - 57

A2H2 - Atlanta H2H Pinball League

1Chris Compton71 - 49
2Scott Kutheis65 - 55
3Mark Jarzewiak61 - 59
4Alex Ward56 - 64
5Kevin Grillo45 - 75

ALPL - Alley Pass Pinball League

1Andy Rosa78 - 42
2Andrew Rosa71 - 49

APL - Atlanta Pinball League

1Bryan Broyles60 - 60

AZPL - Arizona Pinball

1Will McKinney72 - 48
2Mark Pearson70 - 50
3Mark Lindbergh63 - 57
4Tracy Lindbergh53½ - 66½

B&C - Belles & Chimes

1Jessica DeNardo66 - 54
2Beth Senturia63 - 57
3Anna Wolk59 - 61
4Ellen Frankel55 - 65
5Tammy Oler48½ - 71½

BAPA - Bay Area Pinball Association

1Josh Lehan66 - 54

BCPC - Bat City Pinball Club

1Colin MacAlpine84 - 36
2Sven Johnson74 - 46
3Mark Meserve72 - 48
Robert Byers72 - 48
5Jon Drew62 - 58
Zach Palmer62 - 58
7Emily Hobbs58 - 62

BP - Binghamton Pinball

1Matt Hess60 - 60
2Patrick Fisk58 - 62
3Joseph Mahon53 - 67
4Dave Urbanek52½ - 67½
5Lisa Kost44 - 76

BPA - Boston Pinball Association

1David Pacileo62 - 58
2Neil Graham57½ - 62½

BPL - Bluffs Pinball League

1Jason Mawson71 - 49
2Walt Morose63 - 57
3Ben Salmon61 - 59
4Tim Sanderson60 - 60
5David Smith59½ - 60½
6Scott McDowell58½ - 61½
7Darcy French51 - 69

BUFF - Buffalo Pinball League

1Kevin Manne67 - 53
2Nick Lane64 - 56
3Rob Metzler61 - 59
4Jeffrey Wirth53 - 67
5Jay Fairbrother49 - 71

CFF - Crazy Flipper Fingers

1Jeff Gagnon65 - 55

CLPL - Cleveland Pinball League

1Tim Kerro70 - 50
2Andrew Lee68 - 52
John Delzoppo68 - 52
4Brian Hill66 - 54
5Jason Dunn63 - 57
6Megan Brown62 - 58
Mike Winzinek62 - 58
8Bill Taylor53 - 67
9Michelle McCleester50 - 70

CNPL - Cincy Pinball League

1Matt Gauslin69 - 51
2Patrick Green64 - 56
3Ken Guenther62 - 58
4Bill Walborn57 - 63
Larry Scott57 - 63
6Rob Uzzolino50 - 70

COPA - Columbus Ohio Pinball Association

1Evan Bingham72 - 48

CP - City Pinball

1Jack Tadman78 - 42
2Mike Bartolo64 - 56
3Alexander Harrison61 - 59
4Joe Ciaravino56 - 64
5Steve Martin49 - 71

CPL - Chicago Pinball League

1Josh Sharpe83 - 37
2Zach Sharpe78 - 42
3Lyman Sheats75 - 45
4Arthur Dodd72 - 48
5Keith P Johnson68 - 52
Thomas Knorst68 - 52
7Joe Katz67 - 53
Yancy Blaylock67 - 53
9Brad Smith60 - 60
10Penni Epstein54 - 66
11Steve Johnson53 - 67
12Christopher Edler52½ - 67½
13Jeff Hooper44½ - 75½

CPM - Chicago Pinball Mafia

1Eric Priepke59 - 61
2Vincent Giovannone56 - 64

CSPFC - Clinton Street Pub Flipper Club

1Derek Miazga75 - 45

CTPC - Crabtowne Pinball Club

1Justin Bath59 - 61
Mike Frasca59 - 61
3Jacquie Day58½ - 61½
4Justin Day57 - 63
Justin Kennedy57 - 63
6Howard Dobson54 - 66
Stephen Donald Stakem54 - 66
8Brad DeShong49½ - 70½
9Geoffrey Danek0 - 0

DF - Dead Flip

1Dave Kiss71 - 49
2Gavin Miller65 - 55
3Brad Stark63 - 57
4Nick Campbell61 - 59
5Stanley Sowa Jr60 - 60

DHPL - Die Hard Pinball League

1Derek Thomson72 - 48

DMV - DMV Pinball League

1Shawn Hillman61 - 59

DPL - Dutch Pinball Association

1Cayle George74 - 46
2Jasmijn De Jong56 - 64

ESKP - Eskilstuna Pinball

1Andreas Frid67 - 53

FCPL - Fox Cities Pinball League

1Tom Graf61½ - 58½

FLOP - Finland League of Pinball

1Olli-Mikko Ojamies70 - 50
2Marco Suvanto56 - 64

FLiPS - Florida Pinball Society

1Sebastian Bobbio74 - 46
2Ron Donohue67 - 53
3Brian Dominy61 - 59
4Donny White59 - 61

FSPA - Free State Pinball Association

1Steve Kapinos71 - 49
2Daniel Reynolds70 - 50
3Joe Said68 - 52
4Gilles Melanson67½ - 52½
5Dave Hubbard67 - 53
Rob Wintler-Cox67 - 53
7Francis Parks65 - 55
Sergio Johnson65 - 55
9Joe Schober64 - 56
Julie Schober64 - 56
Rebecca Schleider64 - 56
12Heath Ashley63 - 57
13Paul Liam McGlone61 - 59
William F Wulf II61 - 59
15Bob S Johnson60 - 60
16Adam Noll59 - 61
Richard Achterberg59 - 61
18Jake Peterson58 - 62
Kevin Stone58 - 62
20Debora Kapke57 - 63
21CJ Brown56 - 64
Jonathan Williams56 - 64
Scott Sidley56 - 64
24Barry Schwartz55 - 65
25Bob K Mertz54 - 66
Gregg Giblin54 - 66
Rob Thomas54 - 66
28Rudy Keiser53½ - 66½
29Cristin Gasson51 - 69
30David Ponce49 - 71

GRPL - Grand Rapids Pinball League

1Alex Harmon69 - 51
2Adam Peacock68 - 52
3Matthew Stacks67 - 53
4Chris Tabaka64 - 56
Mike Stewart Jr64 - 56
6Rodney Minch59 - 61
7Kyle O'Donohue58 - 62
8Jake VanKempen54 - 66

HPL - Halifax Pinball League

1Matt Whalen59 - 61
2Adam Smith48½ - 71½

IEPA - Inland Empire Pinball Association

1Keith Elwin93 - 27
2Jim Belsito77 - 43
3Karl DeAngelo76 - 44
4Johnny Modica72 - 48
5John Miller71 - 49

IFPA - International Flipper Pinball Association

1Brian Woodard61 - 59

JPA - Jersey Pinball Association

1Ed Zeltmann71 - 49
Steven Bowden71 - 49
3Jody Jodon68 - 52
4Jason Zahler67 - 53
5Sanjay Shah63 - 57
6Dave Baiano60 - 60
7Joshua Senzer58 - 62
8Koi Morris49 - 71
9Debbie Baiano48 - 72

KCPL - Kidforce Collectibles Pinball League

1Rod Lawrence72 - 48
2Jeffrey Dickson69 - 51
Steven Clute69 - 51
4Mark Brown OH64 - 56
5Aaron Burke63 - 57
6Tommy Bizzi62 - 58
7Rod Winzinek61 - 59
8Zak Bowers53 - 67

KCTH - Kansas City Try Hards

1Marion Richards67 - 53
2Phil Cridlebaugh65 - 55
Steve Hill65 - 55
4Nicholas Greenup61 - 59
5Shane T Yozzo55 - 65

LOPL - London Ontario Pinball League

1Joe Stanczak67 - 53
2Mike Dymus64 - 56
3Mark Incitti59½ - 60½
4Jeff Teolis59 - 61
5Julie Dorssers57 - 63
6David McCord51 - 69

LPL - Lansing Pinball League

1Joseph Nebus68 - 52
2Heather Kendrick64 - 56

MBP - M-Brew Pinball

1Aaron Grabowski69 - 51
2Matthew Gadlage58½ - 61½
3Aaron Lucero55 - 65
4Amanda Grabowski51 - 69

MCPL - Magic City Pinball League

1Timothy Street73 - 47

MFP - Monterey Flipper Pinball

1Michael Mattsson58 - 62

MHPL - Mile High Pinball League

1Donavan Stepp84 - 36
2Escher Lefkoff74 - 46
3Ryan Wanger70 - 50
4Adam Lefkoff68 - 52
Jason Thomas68 - 52
6Adam Higgins66 - 54
Dean Grover66 - 54
8Kevin Ryan65 - 55
Nick Zendejas65 - 55
10Joe Kennedy64 - 56
11Dave Andersen60 - 60
12Karli Pigford58 - 62
Stepan Mazurov58 - 62
14Dan Gutchess57 - 63
15Nathan Hart56 - 64
16Joey Braaten54 - 66
Snow Galvin54 - 66
18Russell Linsky50½ - 69½

MPL - Madison Pinball League

1Timothy Enders57 - 63

MPPL - Montreal Punk Pinball League

1Adam Kiesler67 - 53
2Charlotte Fillmore-Handlon60 - 60
3Mark Hauser54½ - 65½

NEPL - New England Pinball League

1Scott Wilson72 - 48
2Rob Rosenhouse69 - 51
3Ed Giardina68 - 52
Steve Daniels68 - 52
5Joseph Lemire66 - 54
6Chuck Webster65 - 55
Jeff Parsons65 - 55
Kenny Weiner65 - 55
Nicolas Pizzuti65 - 55
10Jake Erskine64 - 56
11Keith Maffei63 - 57
Matthew Boschert63 - 57
Todd Baumeister63 - 57
14Jeffrey Bondorew62 - 58
Jim Swain Jr62 - 58
Kevin Duffy MA62 - 58
Leslie Kozloski62 - 58
Matt Guay62 - 58
Tyler Aas62 - 58
20Eric Marz61½ - 58½
21Mark Carvey61 - 59
Theresa Nessel61 - 59
23Mike Testa60 - 60
24Mike Schmitt58 - 62
Seth Clayter58 - 62
TJ Auger58 - 62
27Nate Straz56 - 64
28Augustus Eustis55 - 65
Jim O'Brien55 - 65
30Mike Korcynski54 - 66
31Nicole Bernier53 - 67
32Ken Daigle52 - 68
33Anthony Radzicki51½ - 68½
34Tucker B Daniels51 - 69
35Sharon Hebenstreit49 - 71

NKY - Northern Kentucky Pinball League

1Chad Hobbs68½ - 51½
2Erik Wurtenberger59 - 61

NPL - National Pinball League (PA)

1Rick Prince52 - 56

NYC - Pinball NYC

1Levi Nayman77 - 43
2Steven Zahler75 - 45
3Sean Grant71 - 49
4Mark van der Gugten67 - 53
5Mike Pantino66 - 54
Robert Wong66 - 54
7Jay Sterkel62 - 58
8Gabriel Chazanov61 - 59
9Paul Caras60 - 60
10Greg Poverelli57 - 63
11Austin Smith56½ - 63½
12Kaite Martin53½ - 66½
Scott Belisle53½ - 66½
14Christopher CJ Smith53 - 67
15Jade Ang52 - 68
16Lisa Bezinover50½ - 69½
17Dan Miller49½ - 70½
18Jacob Heinrichs49 - 71
19Anna Frenkel43 - 77
20Lindsey Rhoades41 - 79

OCPC - Orange County Pinball Club

1Jerry Bernard78 - 42
2Howard Levine73 - 47
3Brian Benway62 - 58

OCPL - Orange County Pinball League (CA)

1Bob Matthews69 - 51

OPL - Ohio Pinball League

1Brian Shepherd68 - 52
2Mike Triplett67 - 53
3Aaron Cooke66 - 54
Christopher Wamsley66 - 54
5Barry Roberts65 - 55
Gregory Kennedy65 - 55
7Darren Kamnitzer63 - 57
Jim Seward63 - 57
Mark Stephen Salas63 - 57
10Collin Foust62 - 58
11Nick Kennedy61 - 59
12Peter Forget59 - 61
13Jon Triplett57 - 63
14Matt Shepherd56 - 64
15Mike Seebauer55 - 65

OPP - Only Plays Pinburgh

1R.M. Weiner33 - 87

OTPL - Ottawa Pinball League

1Phil Birnbaum69 - 51

PDX - Portland Pinball (OR)

1Zoe Vrabel69 - 51

PEKP - Peking Pinball

1Mats Sahlberg67 - 53
2Olle Strandh64 - 56

PHOF - Pinball Hall of Fame

1Craig Sengstock69 - 51

PPA - PinCrossing Players Association

1Jay Robinson71 - 49
2Tim Zollner60 - 60
3Corey Hulse58 - 62
4Nathaniel Gibson52 - 68
5Anne Gibson49 - 71

PPC - Project Pinball Charity

1Eric Stone81 - 39
2Skyler Johnson62 - 58
3Daniel Spolar61 - 59
4Patrick Shatzer54 - 66

PPE - Pinball Pete's

1Evan Williams54 - 66

PPL - Pittsburgh Pinball League

1Gregory Galanter74 - 46
Jason Bokor74 - 46
3Al Thomka73 - 47
Matthew Schwab73 - 47
5Tim Tournay71 - 49
6Cryss Stephens67 - 41
Greg DeFeo67 - 53
8Brian Uplinger66 - 54
Ed Williams66 - 54
10Maya Nigrosh64 - 56
11Matthew Clark63 - 57
Peace Nick Mann63 - 57
13Lewis Bevans62 - 58
T Aaron Metz62 - 58
Todd Williams62 - 58
16Kyle Williams61 - 59
17James Emanuel60 - 60
Kevin Vitale60 - 60
Mahesh Murthy60 - 60
Mike Hovraluck60 - 60
21Brian Mendelssohn59½ - 60½
22Brian Smyth59 - 61
23Amy Covell-Murthy58 - 62
24Priyanka Kochhar56 - 64
25Jake Kolojejchick54 - 66
26Eric Brown50 - 70
27AJ Replogle49 - 71
28John Alioto48 - 72
29Erin Kelly45½ - 74½
30Sarah Anne Clarke41 - 79
31Ashley Grabenstein0 - 0

QCP - Queen City Pinball

1Brandon Pennington62 - 58

RAGE - Rage Tilt

1Trent Augenstein81 - 39
2Luke Nahorniak73 - 47
3Benjamin Granger71 - 49
Chris Frame71 - 49
5Aaron Hanson67 - 53
6Dan Toft66 - 54
7Fred Richardson65 - 55
8Kirby Rients61 - 59
9Jason Werdrick59 - 61
10Jacqueline Lane53 - 67
Terry Weber53 - 67
12Rudy Monsen50½ - 69½

RCP - Rose City Pinball

1Colin Urban69 - 51
2Thomas Urban58 - 62
3Greg Dunlap57 - 63

RICH - Richmond Pinball League

1Malik Berger67 - 53
2Taylor Reese66 - 54
3Bayless Rutherford63 - 57
4Keith Brown61 - 59
5Scott Durfee59 - 61
6Clark Fraley52 - 68
7Laura Fraley38½ - 81½

SDF - Louisville Pinball League

1Drew Donohue72 - 48
2Michael Hartman60 - 60

SDPL - San Diego Pinball League

1David Oliver74 - 46
2Mark Schulz67 - 53
3Mark Brown CA59 - 61
4Nancy Umbrasas51 - 69
5Luca Varriale49 - 59
6Mike Welsh48 - 72

SFPD - San Francisco Pinball Department

1Andrei Massenkoff81 - 39
2Brian O'Neill74 - 46
Zac Wollons74 - 46
4Gabe da Silveira73 - 47
5Jeremy Williams71 - 49
6Eric Wagensonner68 - 52
Per Schwarzenberger68 - 52
8Gene X Hwang66 - 54
9Allison O'Neill65 - 55
10Rob Coli63 - 57
11Darren Ensley62 - 58
12Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen61 - 59
13Mike Miller60 - 60
14Alex Pierson59 - 61
Louise Wagensonner59 - 61
16Tim Juchcinski58 - 62
17Jeremy Herrman57 - 63
Russ Sweetser57 - 63
19Derek Lipkin56 - 64
20Janel Valdez55 - 65
21Daylene Langum54½ - 65½
22Ron Richards54 - 66
23Matthew Henri52 - 68
Peter Williams52 - 68
25Shannon Sweetser46 - 74

SJPL - South Jersey Pinball League

1John Hurd64 - 56
2Matt Makowski61 - 59
3Phil Hering60 - 60
4Ken Rossi59½ - 60½

SLAP - St. Louis Area Pinball

1Chris Basler69 - 51
2Steve Walker58 - 62
3Carol Walker46½ - 73½

SOPL - Solano Pinball League

1Tom Collins65 - 55

SPL - Seattle Pinball League

1Dave Stewart74 - 46
2Raymond Davidson73 - 47
3Germain Mariolle71 - 49
4Kevin Birrell70 - 50
5Chris Chinn69 - 51
6Mike Corbett68 - 52
7Kayla Greet66 - 54
Todd MacCulloch66 - 54
9Jared Baldridge65 - 55
Jordan Semrow65 - 55
Julie Gray65 - 55
12Alex Tada62 - 58
Andrew Burton62 - 58
14Flash Haze60 - 60
15Justin Ausmeier58 - 62
16Max Stewart57 - 63
17James Edes56 - 64
18Rodney Olsen51 - 69
19Alyson Rae48 - 72

STPB - Stockholm Pinball

1Helena Walter Higgins67 - 53
2Andreas Thorsen66 - 54
3Peter Franck63 - 57
4Leif Spångberg62 - 58
5Dan Thronström60 - 60

TBPL - Tampa Bay Pinball League

1Daniel Coyle62 - 58

TCPL - Tri-City Pinball League

1Ian Harrower61 - 59
2Dan Bitterlich54½ - 65½

TPP - Triangle Pinball Players

1Orin Day65 - 55

TWF - Twisted Flippers

1Greg Gessner57 - 63
Neo Skywalker57 - 63

ToPL - Toronto Pinball League

1Adam Becker81 - 39
2David Newman70 - 50
3Paul Jongma68½ - 51½
4John Flitton66 - 54
5Myles Cameron61 - 59
Stephane Raymond61 - 59
7Simon Brown53 - 67
8Andrew Bernard52 - 68

UNY - Upstate NY Pinball

1Zachary Frey73 - 47
2Jason Plourde70 - 50
3Tim Sexton69 - 51
4Bruce Nightingale67 - 53
5Andrew Cushman65 - 55
6JT Harrison63 - 57
7Matthew Quantz62 - 58
Ron Hallett Jr62 - 58
9Eric Russell61 - 59
10Bret Wallace59 - 61
David Cohen59 - 61
12Chris Nosiglia56 - 64
13Stephanie Guida55 - 65
14Craig Genievich48 - 72

VRPA - Vancouver Regional Pinball Association

1Eden Stamm68 - 52
2Robert Gagno66 - 54
3Dave Grant64 - 56
4Miles Grant60 - 60
Trevor McDonald60 - 60
6Kathy Gagno48½ - 71½

WCP - West Coast Pinball (SE)

1Johan Genberg62 - 58

WDX - Portland

1Nathan Stellhorn65 - 55
2Chris Coyle60 - 60