Cumulative Record:
63 - 57
Player is restricted to Division B or above
Machines Played:
24, Andromeda, Buck Rogers, Congo, Dialed In, Doodle Bug, Dr. Dude, El Dorado, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Fathom, Flash Gordon, Genie, Hobbit, Hokus Pokus, Independence Day, Indiana Jones (Williams), Judge Dredd, Jungle Lord, Jungle Queen, Knockout, Legends of Wrestlemania, Miss-O, Mustang, Old Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean , Power Play, Quicksilver, Riverboat Gambler, Road Show, Scorpion, Sorcerer, Space Race, Star Trek (DE), Strato-Flite, Surfer, Theatre of Magic, Whitewater, Wizard, X-Men