Player Lists

last updated February 19, 2025 2:40 pm

This is the current list of players registered for Pinburgh 2025. Note that the number of players on this list may vary due to pending wait list invitations.

Aaron Rich
Adam Barney
Adam Becker
Adam Lemankiewicz
Aleksander Kaczmarczyk
Alex Fruzynski
Allison O'Neill
Alysa Parks
Amber Lee
Amy Gunson
Andrew Cushman
Andrew Foard
Andrew Kohtz
Andy Pickens
Arvid Flygare
Ash Harmeyer
Barry Schwartz
Bill Lembesis
Bill Mason
Bo Williams
Brandon Service
Brian Benway
Brian Benway
Brian Mendelssohn
Brian O'Neill
Brian Service
Brian Shepherd
Brian Woodard
Cassie Begay
Chad patz
Chris Noah
Christopher Cafaro
Christopher Meier
Christopher Morgan
Christy Kohtz
Chuck Webster
CJ Brown
Colin Sharpe
Collins Wetzel
Connor Mulberry
Corey Hulse
Daniel Gilbert
Daniel Reynolds
Daniel Rone
Dante Oliva
Dave Forman
Dave Hubbard
Dave Ponce
David Barber
David Benke
David Lord
David Markland
david schumeister
Deborah Tahlman
Derek Correia
Drew Cedolia
Dylan Medeiros
Ed Giardina
Elia Lake
Elliott Keith
Eric Marz
Eric Pearson
Evan Bookbinder
Evan Callahan
Fil Baird
Francis Parks
Galvin Morgan
Gary Hartz
Germain Mariolle
Greg Pitner
Gregg Giblin
Gregory DeFeo
Gregory Kennedy
Hadi Seyed-Ali
Hagan Major
Holly Koskinen
Howard Dobson
Jack Nebraska
Jacob Gragg
Jake Kolojejchick
Jake Peterson
Jamie Kowinsky
Jared August
Jared Lemankiewicz
Jared Schmidt
Jason Werdrick
Jason Zahler
Jeff Teolis
Jess Reagan Salzman
Jim Belsito
Jim Sagona
Joe Albertson
Joe Bayer
Joe lemire
John Delzoppo
John Greenling
John Inman
Jokton Strealy
Jonas Fortenberry
Jordan Dechaine
Jordan Vinikoor
Jose Chong
Joseph Fox
Joseph Landas
Josh Riggle
Josh Sharpe
Joshua Senzer
Juana Summers
julian falhof
Julie Dorssers
justin bath
Kaite Martin
Kateryn Lake
Katie Goodale
Kaylee Campbell
Ken Grant
Keri Wing
Kevin Bowman
Kevin Duffy
Kim Martinez
Kirsi Midyette
Koi Morris
Kristin Vogel-Campbell
Kyle Williams
Liam Bradley
Luke Nahorniak
Manny Montes
Marion Richards
Mark Rowe
Mason Callahan
Matt Larsen
Matt Lemoine
Matt Peace
matt rowbottom
Matt Strzelecki
Matthew Clark
Matthew Loof
Matthew Richardson
Matthew Salefski
Michael Bradley
Michael Inman
Michael Palero
Michael Reimer
Michael Salzman
Michele Colomer
Mike Dymus
Mike Hovraluck
Mike Karbowsky
Mike Pantino
Mike Welsh
Miles Bradley
Mitchell Curtis
Nate Grant
Nate Shivers
Neil Graf
Neil McRae
Nicholas Zachry
Nick Goegan
Nicole Bernier
Nicole Villacres
Noah Fruzynski
Paul Budko
Paul Caras
Paul Englert
Paul Younis
Penni Epstein
Pete Indick
Rachel morris
Rachel Ristow
Rick Deml
Rick Prince
Rob Wintler-Cox
Robert Byers
Robert RedViper
Rodney Comegys
Roland Nadeau
Ron Benoit
Ronald Hallett Jr
Ronald Hallett Sr
Samantha Bacon
Sandy Graver
Scott August
Scott Woods
Sean Campbell
Shannon Stafford
Sharon Hebenstreit
Shaun Russell
Stephanie Traub
Stephen Raney
Sterling Mitoska
Steven Bowden
Steven Machado
Steven Zahler
Tate Nahorniak
Thomas Ceckitti
Thomas O'Leary
Tim Kerro
Tim Lee
Tim Owens
Todd MacCulloch
Todd Reynolds
Todd Williams
Tom Graf
Tommy Loranger
Tommy Vernieri
Tony Makowski
Tony Pierce
Trae Vance
trent augenstein
Trenton Kent
Tristan Stafford
Troy Saenz
Tyler Aas
Vincent Vitiello
Walt Morose
Wayne Margerum
Wesley Johnson
William J Johnson
Zach McCarthy
Zach Sharpe
Zachary Frey
Zheanna Murray
Zoe Vrabel

This is the current wait list of players, who will receive invitations as spots open up due to cancellations. If you are on the wait list, please be sure to whitelist elizabeth [at] so you do not miss an invitation.

[#1] Mark Laird
[#2] sean mcdonald
[#3] Michael Sakowitz
[#4] John Hurd
[#5] David Riel
[#6] Kenneth martin
[#7] Deanna Schwartz
[#8] Dave DeNardo
[#9] Matt Walton
[#10] Cody Gamache
[#11] Andrew Gould
[#12] Daniel Jacobowitz
[#13] Mike Gin
[#14] Evan Callahan
[#15] Kenneth Grant
[#16] James Sagona
[#18] Chryste Ferrara
[#19] Nicole Turk
[#20] Brent Reed
[#21] Phil Birnbaum
[#22] Phil Cridlebaugh
[#23] Al Thomka
[#24] Walter Lannis
[#25] Laura Ewing
[#26] Douglas Salamon
[#27] bill richardson
[#28] Jonathan Meyer
[#29] Gavin Miller
[#31] Jacob Nauman
[#32] Candace Selby
[#33] vincent poudrier
[#34] Preston Currie
[#35] Robert DeStasio
[#36] Robert Salamon
[#37] Greg Poverelli
[#38] andrew rosa
[#39] Cryss Stephens
[#40] Ryan Zlomek
[#41] Matthew Smart
[#42] Matthew Clark
[#43] David Plaisted
[#44] Jason Plourde
[#45] Anthony Radzicki
[#46] Wayne Saeger
[#47] Tom DeStasio
[#48] Mark Brown
[#49] Greg Lapa
[#51] John Bolton
[#52] Jennifer Richardson
[#53] Dave Stewart
[#54] Scott Wilson
[#56] Jerry Bernard
[#57] Peter Roarke
[#58] Will Lannis
[#59] John Lignos
[#60] Logan Foley
[#61] John Lee
[#62] Courtney Wetzel
[#64] Seamus Meader
[#65] Julien Plouffe Gingras
[#66] andrew rosa II
[#67] Nicholas Kennedy
[#68] Angie Marinelli
[#69] John Lehett
[#70] Tatiana Pinner
[#71] Martin DeBobes
[#72] Gene Meier
[#73] Jay Nauman
[#74] Ben Gosselin
[#75] Daniel DeBobes
[#76] alex clark
[#77] Frederick Richardson
[#78] William Cooper
[#79] Sanjay Shah
[#80] Steven Kapinos
[#81] Adam Meader
[#82] Anthony Wojtkowiak
[#83] Tyrus Eagle
[#84] Nicole Bernier
[#85] Nicole Piazza
[#86] Trent Leach
[#87] David Johnston
[#88] Dickey Scott
[#89] Eric DeStasio
[#90] Jose Garcia
[#91] Vanessa Ish
[#92] Chris Smith
[#93] John Magyar
[#94] Alexander Pierson
[#95] Jean-Michel St-Aubin
[#96] Anna Neal
[#97] Maryz Bédard
[#98] Ed Zeltmann
[#99] Adam Yates
[#100] Anna Yates
[#101] Gus Gonzalez
[#102] Cory Casella
[#103] Michael Triplett
[#104] Thomas Kenyon
[#105] Shannon Ducharme
[#106] Dominic Labella
[#107] Justin Burkett
[#108] Rex Wegesin
[#109] Rebecca Herrle
[#110] Stacey Stafford
[#111] Daniele Acciari
[#112] Jaran Jones
[#113] Carlos DeLaSerda
[#114] Turner Loflin
[#115] Cassie Riehl
[#116] Ryan Altemose
[#117] Kaitlyn Kishbaugh
[#118] Andrew Adler
[#119] Jason Bokor
[#120] Fiona Kelly
[#121] Tyler Becker
[#122] Joakim Sundberg
[#123] Corey Hobe
[#124] Kyle Shepard
[#125] Jordan Retterer
[#126] Chris Wamsley
[#127] Rhonda Wamsley
[#128] Sydney Wamsley
[#129] David Cowling
[#130] Derek Anderson
[#131] Isaac Rihn
[#132] Joshua Francis
[#133] Jaden Rich
[#134] Stephanie Davidson
[#135] Eric Geddes
[#136] Bob Twichell
[#137] Justin Masterson
[#138] dawnda durbin
[#139] Donna Liptak
[#140] Ted Brockly
[#141] Ryan Slanicka
[#142] Emanuel Costa
[#143] Tim Peterson
[#144] John Walter
[#145] Adam Sims
[#146] Tim Zollner
[#147] Nicholas Wahal
[#148] Jacqueline Cowling
[#149] Dennis Gilbert
[#150] Sebastian Bobbio
[#151] David Oshefsky
[#152] Ashton Capone
[#153] Camden Capone
[#154] John Lee
[#155] Dave DeNardo
[#156] Daniel Brennan
[#157] Scott Wilson
[#158] Tony Batti
[#159] Andrew McCarthy
[#160] Christopher Grosvenor
[#161] lisa arthur
[#162] James Hadden
[#163] Chris Nosiglia
[#164] Mike Troup
[#165] Lance Keylon
[#166] Sheri Hendricks
[#167] Jim Linehan
[#168] Alberto Santana
[#169] Mathew Brundage
[#170] Corey Hobe

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updated February 12, 2025 • © 2024-2025 Replay Foundation