Current Record:
59 - 61
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 28 - 20
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27
Record after Session 6: 39 - 33
Record after Session 7: 48 - 36
Record after Session 8: 53 - 43
Record after Session 9: 57 - 51
Record after Session 10: 59 - 61
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Avatar Pro, Big Indian, Cactus Canyon, Counterforce, Demolition Man, Demolition Man, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Freak Out, Freefall, Funhouse, Godzilla, Hurricane, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Jungle Lord, KISS, Lady Luck, Legends of Wrestlemania, Mars Trek, Mini Zag, Monaco, Mousin Around, Munsters Pro, Paradise, Pinball Champ, Police Force, Ready Aim Fire, Rolling Stones Pro, Sinbad, Solar Fire, Space Mission, Space Odyssey, Space Shuttle, TX Sector, Tales from the Crypt, Theatre of Magic, Total Nuclear Annihilation