Current Record:
58 - 62
Record after Session 1: 5 - 7
Record after Session 2: 16 - 8
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 25 - 23
Record after Session 5: 30 - 30
Record after Session 6: 36 - 36
Record after Session 7: 42 - 42
Record after Session 8: 50 - 46
Record after Session 9: 53 - 55
Record after Session 10: 58 - 62
Machines Played:
Barracora, Batman Dark Knight, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dipsy Doodle, Elektra, Embryon, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Heavy Metal Meltdown, High Speed, Hobbit, Hokus Pokus, Hot Line, Independence Day, Junkyard, Lost World, Lost World, Meteor, Middle Earth, Motordome, NBA, NBA (Stern), Night Rider, Old Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Radical, Seawitch, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, Strato-Flite, Surf Champ, Taxi, The Amazing Spider-Man, Tropic Isle, Volley, Wheel of Fortune, Whirlwind, Whitewater, Xenon