Current Record:
29 - 31 (in Division E, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Record after Session 1: 2 - 10
Record after Session 2: 5 - 19
Record after Session 3: 12 - 24
Record after Session 4: 18 - 30
Record after Session 5: 23 - 37
Record after Session 6: 28 - 44
Record after Session 7: 32 - 52
Record after Session 8: 41 - 55
Record after Session 9: 46 - 62
Record after Session 10: 52 - 68
Machines Played:
Addams Family, Alien Star, Attila the Hun, Big Buck Hunter, Bounty Hunter, CSI, Class of 1812, Count-Down, Deadpool, Doodle Bug, Elvis, Family Guy, Fathom, Flash Gordon, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Gay 90's, Goldeneye, Goldeneye, High Hand, Hokus Pokus, Hot Tip, Indianapolis 500, KISS LE, Knockout, Meteor, Paragon, Phantom of the Opera, Rollergames, Royal Flush Deluxe, Solar Ride, Spirit of 76, Surf N Safari, Surfer, Surfer, Swords of Fury, Taxi, Time Zone, Twilight Zone, X-Men Premium, Xenon