Current Record:
54 - 66
Record after Session 1: 8 - 4
Record after Session 2: 14 - 10
Record after Session 3: 22 - 14
Session 4 - player was absent and received 0-12
Record after Session 5: 28 - 26
Record after Session 6: 34 - 32
Record after Session 7: 37 - 41
Record after Session 8: 43 - 47
Record after Session 9: 49 - 53
Record after Session 10: 54 - 60
Machines Played:
AC/DC Premium, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Attack From Mars, Attila the Hun, Batman Dark Knight, Big Buck Hunter, Big Game, Big Guns, Blue Chip, Captain Fantastic, Centigrade 37, Cheetah, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Doctor Who, Flintstones, Freak Out, Game of Thrones Premium, Guns N Roses, Haunted House, High Speed, Hot Tip, KISS LE, King Kool, Legends of Wrestlemania, Miss-O, Old Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Scorpion, Solar Ride, Spider-Man, Terminator 2, Time Zone, Tommy, Tron Pro, Warlok