Current Record:
59 - 61
restricted to Division C or above
Record after Session 1: 9 - 3
Record after Session 2: 12 - 12
Record after Session 3: 17 - 19
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27
Record after Session 6: 36 - 36
Record after Session 7: 42 - 42
Record after Session 8: 46 - 50
Record after Session 9: 51 - 57
Record after Session 10: 59 - 61
Machines Played:
Aerobatics, Algar, Ali, Alien Star, Attack From Mars, Black Jack, Breakshot, Captain Fantastic, Casanova, Catacomb, Diner, Escape from the Lost World, Family Guy, Freedom, Future Spa, Guns N Roses, High Hand, High Speed, King of Diamonds, Lethal Weapon 3, Magic City, Meteor, Mustang Pro, No Fear, No Fear, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Raven, Rollergames, Scorpion, Sorcerer, Stingray, Super Straight, Surf N Safari, Surfer, The Amazing Spider-Man, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, World Cup Soccer, World Poker Tour, X-Men Premium