Current Record:
71 - 49
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5
Record after Session 2: 13 - 11
Record after Session 3: 19 - 17
Record after Session 4: 28 - 20
Record after Session 5: 32 - 28
Record after Session 6: 37 - 35
Record after Session 7: 44 - 40
Record after Session 8: 53 - 43
Record after Session 9: 63 - 45
Record after Session 10: 71 - 49
Machines Played:
AC/DC Premium, Aerobatics, Aerosmith Pro, Attack From Mars, Big Game, Black Belt, Blue Chip, Breakshot, Cactus Jack's, Captain Fantastic, Captain Fantastic, Centaur, Counterforce, Dialed In, Doozie, Dr. Dude, El Dorado, Evel Knievel, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Future Spa, Godzilla, Guns N Roses, High Hand, Hokus Pokus, Iron Maiden Pro, Jokerz!, Jumping Jack, Liberty Bell, Monaco, NBA, Pinbot, Scorpion, Sinbad, Super Orbit, Tales from the Crypt, Terminator 2, Theatre of Magic, Wheel of Fortune, World Cup Soccer, Xenon