Current Record: 61 - 59
restricted to Division D or above

Session 1, Group 1001210, on Set 70: "Wrothsome"

Jeff Barthold2102 - 10
David Bourque2917 - 5
Dave Weaver7108 - 4
Joe Newhart9607 - 5
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5

Session 2, Group 2002030, on Set 43: "Writation"

David Bourque3307 - 5
Escher Lefkoff4217 - 5
Rick Sinkiewicz4806 - 6
Rob Pannell5714 - 8
Record after Session 2: 14 - 10

Session 3, Group 3003032, on Set 4: "Wullawins"

David Bourque2886 - 6
Terry Jefford2895 - 7
Rob Moller3528 - 4
Angie Marinelli3535 - 7
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16

Session 4, Group 4005011, on Set 61: "Yokemating"

John Tomsich26711 - 1
Patrick Rhomberg2786 - 6
David Bourque2994 - 8
Penni Epstein3103 - 9
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24

Session 5, Group 5017006, on Set 49: "Wretchock"

Torsten Eid5186 - 6
Jared Garvey5234 - 8
Tim Juchcinski5345 - 7
David Bourque5399 - 3
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27

-- Assigned to Division B --

Session 6B, Group 6001025, on Set 17: "Vouchment"

Christopher Dirga404½ - 7½
Douglas Teale897½ - 4½
David Bourque1046 - 6
Record after Session 6: 39 - 33

Session 7B, Group 7002005, on Set 12: "Wrothiness"

Brian Bower538 - 4
Jeff Hooper685 - 7
Preston Moncla776 - 6
David Bourque925 - 7
Record after Session 7: 44 - 40

Session 8B, Group 8007004, on Set 6: "Uterotubal"

Jeff Hooper10010 - 2
Chris Wamsley1012 - 10
Eric German1088 - 4
David Bourque1094 - 8
Record after Session 8: 48 - 48

Session 9B, Group 9018002, on Set 33: "Wrinkleless"

Paul Caras1385 - 7
Nick Zen Zendejas1397 - 5
David Bourque1426 - 6
Michael James Pultz1436 - 6
Record after Session 9: 54 - 54

Session 10B, Group 10020001, on Set 87: "STAGE 3"

Paul Caras1377 - 5
David Mainwaring1383 - 9
Michael James Pultz1397 - 5
David Bourque1407 - 5
Record after Session 10: 61 - 59

Machines Played:

Aerobatics, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Austin Powers, Breakshot, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Doctor Who, Dracula, Earthshaker, Evel Knievel, Flash, Freak Out, Future Spa, High Speed, Hot Line, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Legends of Wrestlemania, Liberty Bell, Mario Andretti, Mars Trek, Medieval Madness, Meteor, Old Chicago, Pinbot, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Road Kings, Satin Doll, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, The Amazing Spider-Man, Triple Action, Tron Pro, World Cup, World Cup Soccer, World Cup Soccer