Current Record:
61 - 59
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 7 - 5
Record after Session 2: 14 - 10
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 24 - 24
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27
Record after Session 6: 39 - 33
Record after Session 7: 44 - 40
Record after Session 8: 48 - 48
Record after Session 9: 54 - 54
Record after Session 10: 61 - 59
Machines Played:
Aerobatics, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Austin Powers, Breakshot, Corvette, Cosmic Gunfight, Doctor Who, Dracula, Earthshaker, Evel Knievel, Flash, Freak Out, Future Spa, High Speed, Hot Line, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Jackbot, Jungle Queen, Legends of Wrestlemania, Liberty Bell, Mario Andretti, Mars Trek, Medieval Madness, Meteor, Old Chicago, Pinbot, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Road Kings, Satin Doll, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Star Wars Pro, The Amazing Spider-Man, Triple Action, Tron Pro, World Cup, World Cup Soccer, World Cup Soccer