Current Record:
62 - 58
Record after Session 1: 11 - 1
Record after Session 2: 17 - 7
Record after Session 3: 22 - 14
Record after Session 4: 27 - 21
Record after Session 5: 35 - 25
Record after Session 6: 39 - 33
Record after Session 7: 45 - 39
Record after Session 8: 54 - 42
Record after Session 9: 59 - 49
Record after Session 10: 62 - 58
Machines Played:
2001, Airborne, Avatar Pro, Batman Dark Knight, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Cactus Canyon, Cleopatra, Cyclopes, Dipsy Doodle, Dragon, Eight Ball, Elektra, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Game Show, Goldeneye, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hokus Pokus, Hot Line, Jungle Lord, Lady Luck, Lord of the Rings, Lost World, Mario Andretti, Meteor, Party Zone, Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern), Police Force, Radical, Ready Aim Fire, Road Show, Space Odyssey, Space Station, Spanish Eyes, Star Pool, Star Wars Pro, TX Sector, Triple Action, World Cup, World Cup Soccer, Xenon