Current Record:
61 - 59
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 10 - 14
Record after Session 3: 20 - 16
Record after Session 4: 27 - 21
Record after Session 5: 30 - 30
Record after Session 6: 36 - 36
Record after Session 7: 44 - 40
Record after Session 8: 52 - 44
Record after Session 9: 58 - 50
Record after Session 10: 61 - 59
Machines Played:
Big Indian, Black Belt, Bonanza, Captain Fantastic, Cosmos, Deadpool, Fire!, Galaxy, Haunted House, High Speed, Hurricane, Independence Day, King Kool, Lights Camera Action, Lost World, Mini Zag, Monopoly, Motor Show, Motordome, NBA (Stern), Pinball Champ, Pirates of the Caribbean (JJP), Pro Football, Rolling Stones Pro, Seawitch, Solar Fire, Spider-Man, Strange Science, Strato-Flite, Super Orbit, Supersonic, Surf Champ, Swinger, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Taxi, The Amazing Spider-Man, Theatre of Magic, Time Fantasy, Tommy, Wheel of Fortune