Current Record:
56 - 64
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8
Record after Session 2: 7 - 17
Record after Session 3: 10 - 26
Record after Session 4: 20 - 28
Record after Session 5: 29 - 31
Record after Session 6: 32 - 40
Record after Session 7: 37 - 47
Record after Session 8: 44 - 52
Record after Session 9: 47 - 61
Record after Session 10: 56 - 64
Machines Played:
Addams Family, Algar, Asteroid Annie and the Aliens, Attack From Mars, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Captain Fantastic, Card Whiz, Cirqus Voltaire, Deadpool, Demolition Man, Elektra, Escape from the Lost World, Evel Knievel, Family Guy, Freak Out, Guns N Roses, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Legends of Wrestlemania, Liberty Bell, Mars Trek, Medieval Madness, Metallica LE, Meteor, Pinbot, Quicksilver, Radical, Scorpion, Space Shuttle, Stars, Strange Science, Super Straight, Surf N Safari, Surfer, Swinger, Target Pool, Time Fantasy, Torpedo Alley, Tropic Isle, World Poker Tour