Current Record:
28 - 32 (in Division E, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 11 - 13
Record after Session 3: 14 - 22
Record after Session 4: 18 - 30
Record after Session 5: 22 - 38
Record after Session 6: 30 - 42
Record after Session 7: 38 - 46
Record after Session 8: 43 - 53
Record after Session 9: 48 - 60
Record after Session 10: 50 - 70
Machines Played:
AC/DC Premium, Barracora, Batman Dark Knight, Big Game, Black Belt, Black Jack, Blue Chip, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Captain Fantastic, Class of 1812, Count-Down, Dipsy Doodle, Elvis, Fathom, Freedom, Gator, Gay 90's, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Independence Day, Indianapolis 500, Junkyard, Little Chief, Lost World, Nitro Groundshaker, No Fear, Pinbot, Raven, Seawitch, Simpsons Pinball Party, Six Million Dollar Man, Super Orbit, Surf Champ, Surfer, Swords of Fury, Taxi, Terminator 2, Terminator 3, Volley, Wheel of Fortune, Whitewater