Current Record:
56 - 64
restricted to Division D or above
Record after Session 1: 6 - 6
Record after Session 2: 14 - 10
Record after Session 3: 23 - 13
Record after Session 4: 30 - 18
Record after Session 5: 33 - 27
Record after Session 6: 38 - 34
Record after Session 7: 42 - 42
Record after Session 8: 47 - 49
Record after Session 9: 53 - 55
Record after Session 10: 56 - 64
Machines Played:
Aerosmith Pro, Algar, Batman Dark Knight, Big Guns, Big Indian, Blackwater 100, Catacomb, Centigrade 37, Congo, Counterforce, Diner, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Eight Ball Deluxe, El Toro, Embryon, Escape from the Lost World, Freddy Nightmare on Elm Street, Frontier, Guardians of the Galaxy Pro, Hokus Pokus, Hurricane, Iron Man, King of Diamonds, Mini Zag, Motor Show, NBA, Pinball Champ, Rolling Stones Pro, Scuba, Shaq Attack, Solar Fire, Star Trek Pro, Super Straight, TX-Sector, Warlok, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, World Poker Tour, Xenon, Yukon