Current Record:
64 - 56
Record after Session 1: 4 - 8
Record after Session 2: 9 - 15
Record after Session 3: 14 - 22
Record after Session 4: 21 - 27
Record after Session 5: 29 - 31
Record after Session 6: 32 - 40
Record after Session 7: 39 - 45
Record after Session 8: 47 - 49
Record after Session 9: 56 - 52
Record after Session 10: 64 - 56
Machines Played:
AC/DC Premium, Aerosmith Pro, Ali, Attack From Mars, Austin Powers, Big Game, Blue Chip, Captain Fantastic, Cleopatra, Counterforce, Diner, Doozie, Dr. Dude, Dragon, Eight Ball Champ, Family Guy, Flash, Flicker, Force II, Game Show, Guns N Roses, Lethal Weapon 3, Little Chief, Lord of the Rings, Magic City, Meteor, Mustang Pro, Nitro Groundshaker, Pinbot, Road Kings, Safari, Satin Doll, Scorpion, Simpsons Pinball Party, Star Trek Pro, Stargate, Surf N Safari, Surfer, Terminator 2, World Poker Tour