Cumulative Record:
25 - 35 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
Aerosmith, Avengers LE, Big Buck Hunter, Blackwater 100, CSI, Centigrade 37, Checkpoint, Congo, Count-Down, Dragon, Earthshaker, Flight 2000, Freak Out, Galaxy, Genesis, Genie, Gorgar, Grand Prix, Hokus Pokus, Indiana Jones (Williams), Indianapolis 500, Iron Man, Jungle Lord, Jungle Queen, Liberty Bell, Little Chief, Night Rider, Nitro Groundshaker, Paragon, Prospector, Rolling Stones, Simpsons Pinball Party, Sorcerer, Stargate, Strange Science, Strike and Spares, Tales from the Crypt, Taxi, Theatre of Magic, Xenon