Cumulative Record:
70 - 50
Player is restricted to Division C or above
Machines Played:
Aerosmith, Airborne, Alien Poker, Aztec, Banzai Run, Breakshot, Butterfly, Card Whiz, Cheetah, Count-Down, Doctor Who, Doodle Bug, Dragon, El Dorado, Elvis, Escape from the Lost World, Fathom, Flight 2000, Gator, Harlem Globetrotters, High Speed, Hobbit, Independence Day, Jackbot, Junkyard, Liberty Bell, Lost World, Monster Bash, Old Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, Pinball Lizard, Pinbot, Police Force, Riverboat Gambler, Simpsons Pinball Party, Spot Pool, Strange Science, Super Orbit, Taxi, Volley