Cumulative Record:
26 - 34 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
Big Buck Hunter, Blackwater 100, Centaur, Doozie, Earthshaker, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Freak Out, Frontier, Galaxy, Gay 90's, Genie, Hang Glider, Hokus Pokus, Indianapolis 500, Iron Man, King of Diamonds, Last Action Hero, Little Chief, Lost In Space, Mustang, Paragon, Pinball Champ, Pinbot, Prospector, Rolling Stones, Scorpion, Shaq Attack, Shrek, Sorcerer, Space Shuttle, Stargate, Surf Champ, Surfer, Swords of Fury, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Theatre of Magic, Torpedo Alley, Viking, Wheel of Fortune, Xenon