Cumulative Record:
65 - 55
Player is restricted to Division B or above
Machines Played:
Algar, Alien Poker, Argosy, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Card Whiz, Cheetah, Cirqus Voltaire, Class of 1812, Count-Down, Doodle Bug, Dragon, Eight Ball Champ, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Firepower, Fish Tales, Game Show, Gator, Goldeneye, High Speed, Hot Line, Independence Day, Iron Man, Jackbot, Magic, Medusa, Pat Hand, Pinbot, Police Force, RoGo, Rollergames, Safari, Shrek, Simpsons Pinball Party, Snow Derby, Sopranos, Starship Troopers, Super Orbit, Taxi, Wild Fyre, Wizard of Oz