Cumulative Record:
57 - 63
Player is restricted to Division C or above
Machines Played:
Atlantis, Aztec, Captain Fantastic, Cheetah, Diner, Escape from the Lost World, Evel Knievel, Frontier, Game Show, Gator, Gay 90's, Hi-Lo Ace, High Speed, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Jackbot, Johnny Mnemonic, Last Action Hero, Meteor, Monster Bash, Mustang, NBA (Stern), No Fear, Prospector, Ready Aim Fire, RoGo, RoboCop, Scorpion, Slick Chick, Stargate, Surf 'n Safari, Surfer, Swinger, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Terminator 3, Volcano, Wheel of Fortune, Wild Fyre, World Cup Soccer, Xenon