Cumulative Record:
33 - 27 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
Addams Family, Algar, Aquarius, Argosy, Avengers LE, Aztec, Big Buck Hunter, Bram Stoker's Dracula, CSI, Casanova, Congo, Earthshaker, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Deluxe, Escape from the Lost World, Evel Knievel, Flicker, Genie, Haunted House, Hokus Pokus, Indiana Jones (Williams), Iron Man, Jungle Lord, Jungle Queen, KISS LE, Lethal Weapon 3, Little Chief, Monster Bash, No Fear, Paragon, Prospector, RoboCop, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Slick Chick, Sorcerer, Stargate, Starship Troopers, Theatre of Magic, Volcano, Xenon