Cumulative Record:
28 - 32 (in Division D, Thursday records do not carry over into Friday)
Machines Played:
24, AC/DC Premium, Barracora, Buck Rogers, Cactus Jack, Card Whiz, Congo, Cosmic Gunfight, Deadly Weapon, Demolition Man, Eight Ball Deluxe, Faces, Fast Draw, Flash, Frontier, Game Show, Genie, Grand Lizard, High Speed, Hokus Pokus, Hoops, Indiana Jones (Williams), Jungle Lord, Jungle Queen, King Kool, Miss-O, Mousin Around, Phantom of the Opera, Pinball Magic, Pinbot, RoGo, Safari, Sorcerer, Spider-Man, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Target Pool, Theatre of Magic, Tron, Wild Fyre, Wizard of Oz