Cumulative Record:
21 - 39 (in Division D, Friday records do not carry over into Saturday)
Machines Played:
2001, Algar, Argosy, Attack From Mars, Aztec, CSI, Corvette, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Cyclone, Demolition Man, Embryon, Flash Gordon, Force II, Freak Out, Gator, Gay 90s, GoldenEye 007, Gorgar, Guns N Roses, Hokus Pokus, Hoops, Judge Dredd, Lectronamo, Liberty Bell, Metallica, Nitro Ground Shaker, Paragon, Scorpion, Space Station, Stars, Starship Troopers, Swords of Fury, Target Pool, Taxi, The Addams Family, The Rolling Stones, The Simpsons Pinball Party, Twilight Zone, Vegas, Wizard